Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hi my name is Lorie and I am a Blog Addict!!

Yep - you read it right! I am a blog addict. As time goes on I get worse and worse. I will click on a complete stranger's blog and then will see the blogs she follows and the blogs she follows and so on. I will be 5 peeps deep and not know one of them. When did it get to the point in my life where I enjoyed reading about people's lives that I have never met? What's worse is that I do it daily. It's like my out to know that I am not the only one that has the daily issues that I have or the twisted sense of humor that I do. I thought I was the only smart alack around...I can tell you...not the case! So here's a heart felt thank you to all of you who blog all the time and don't make it private!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

but isn't it fun?!? Private blogs make me sad :)