Thursday, June 25, 2009

uugghh...pregnancy woes! Welcome to my own little pity party!

I have a sneaky feeling the remainder of this pregnancy is going to be a little tough from here on out. I feel GINORMOUS!!! I think to myself, really?? I have 7.5 more weeks, how much bigger will I actually get. I notice I no longer get off the couch, or off the bed with ease. I have to do the roll over or push up from the back - you folks know what I am talking about. I am still trying to workout/exercise 5-6 days a week with a couple of classes of step and combat and walk the other days, but my stamina and energy level are no longer there. When I walk, it's not at a fast pace anymore, but rather a leisurely stroll. What stinks, is that I am still hungry all the time, so therefore I have to do some type of exercise.

Let me first say, there is nothing like feeling a baby move inside of you. I loved it with Braxton and love it with this baby too. After being pregnant with Braxton, I missed the feeling so bad.....but holy moly...this child is SO active. Legs and arms flailing around in places I didn't know they could reach. This baby tightens all the time. At work, if I am sitting all the way up to my desk, every once in a while I get a push back!! And apparently this baby was blessed (or cursed) with my hiney. You can totally tell when the tush gets pushed out!

I can't decide on bedding - and yes, it would be much easier if we knew the sex of the baby, but what would be the fun in that? So I have several beddings to send back and of course the one I was super stoked to get, I just received a notice saying it is on back order until end of July...WHAT?!?!? I am not too worried about the whole set up though, knowing that the baby will be with us in our room for the first couple of weeks - so we have time..right?

This weekend will be busy with getting some things ready, such as I need to pick up a few unisex onesies for the hospital as well as take home outfits. I need to grab diapers and all the fun stuff I am going to need after the delivery (not looking forward to that part at all)! I will be pulling things out of the attic to sanitize..the car seat, bases and a whole bunch of other things that I am sure Braxton is going to love trying out again!

Speaking of my little goose - he is doing really well. We have our ups and downs and visit time out quite a bit. Right now he normally goes to time out for saying "poopie head!" He loves playing outside and bringing in all of his new friends, mr. worm, mr. frog and anyone else he can catch inside. The only problem is, he has a tendency to hold them justa little too tight and they normally don't end up making it:(

Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's day to all the daddies, Papa's and Pops in our life! Hope you all had a wonderful day celebrating everything you do. Our's was wonderful. Bryan got to sleep in until 8:30, and yes, I classify if you get to lay in the bed until 8:30, it's your own fault if you are not catching a few extra zzz's! Braxton and I treated daddy to breakfast at Sweet and Savory - yummy, Bryan and I actually watched a movie, Slumdog Millionaire, in its entirety (I have the hardest time staying awake watching movies lately - lame, I know) and did an afternoon adventure to Wal-Mart. Typically not what I would want to do, much less on a Sunday afternoon, but Bryan suggested it and it was his day after all, so we sucked it up and went. We finished the day grilling out hamburgers on the grill and they were scrumptious!

Side Note: it really does pay to watch the food network all the time. We got a great tip from there to patty the meat like you normally would, but stuff it with, we sauteed mushrooms, red onions, mixed with sweet banana peppers and shredded mild cheddar cheese and stuffed it in the burger and they were awesome, so good in fact, I thawed out more meat for round 2 tonight!

Here's my absolute newest favorite picture: look at how cute my boys are!

This weekend also included a trip to Lake Gaston to celebrate a surprise 40th Bday party for one of Bryan's fraternity brother's. These guys can go years without seeing each other, and put them together again and it's like they have never been apart! They cracked us up all day long. Grandmomma came in town to watch little bit for us so we could spend the day celebrating at the Lake. It was a scorcher! Hottest day of the year this far and was supposed to top off around 98 degrees - heat index was somewhere around the 107 mark! Needless to say we spend quite a bit of time floating around the lake. Here are a few shots from the weekend.

Here was Bryan's attempt at the pregnant belly look - still got him beat;)

I went to the doctor today and we continue to proceed smoothly. Heartbeat is 140bpm, head is down, hiney is up, and I am right on target, I won't bore you with the weight detail again;)!

I almost forgot about one of my favorite things from this Fathers' Day. Braxton made this amazing Father's Day card at school and honestly both Bryan and I cried when we read it. This is what it said:

Happy Father's Day to all, especially you Bryan! Thanks for being such a wonderful daddy, we love you!

Monday, June 8, 2009

A Pea in a doubt!!

Here I am in all my glory at almost 29 weeks pregnant. I feel HUGE!!!! The delivery is right around the corner and I am not nearly ready. We have had a ton going on the last couple of weeks. My sister was just diagnosed with breast cancer and I am unfortunately losing my job, add that to my hormonal pregnancy mood swings and raising a 3 year old and I can tell you the Carpenter household definitely has its ups and downs!! It is time to kick some things into gear and start prepping for the arrival of this sweet baby. It really hit me yesterday going home - this kid is on it's way and if it comes early like Braxton, I could have this child in like 6 weeks...yikes! I went to the doctor this morning for my Rhogam shot, heart beat is still around 140 and I am measuring right where I need to be. And finally..there is a weight gain was only 2 pounds in 4.5 weeks where it has been higher - a lot higher in between visits. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought someone was sneaking weights in my shoes each time I got on the scales, but considering I take those off for each "weigh in" I know that's not the case. So needless to say, I was quite pleased with only 2 pounds!

I did order neutral bedding. Though I like it, not sure I love it. I totally think I could pull it off if the baby is a girl and would throw in some pink, but if it's a boy (and that's the way I am leaning) I just don't know that's what I want. So off to the drawing board again. And let me tell you, there's not a whole lot out there that I am in love with. I know - I know, it would make life easier if I knew what we were having - not much longer folks!
Braxton and I did make a much needed trip down south to spend time with Leslie as well as celebrate Cameron's 5th birthday. Les has had her world rocked and turned completely upside down in less than 2 weeks, but she is strong and will get through this. It was great to see her and spend some good time with her. It was good to see the rest of the family too.
Braxton did a fabulous job on his first trip with big boy underwear. We only stopped once on the way down - false alarm - and coming back he did even better! I am so proud of him. We ask him if he wants a baby brother or sister, and he will tell you "just a baby." When we ask about a name for the baby - he still puts in his request for for some reason this kido's nickname could very well be Bingo!
I am sure the next couple of weeks will be very busy getting everything lined up for the baby. We look forward to seeing the Carpenter/Barrow crew at Bald Head for 4th of July and Uncle Kevin's birthday. Where has this year gone - it's already the 4th of July!! And then a few weeks after that we will head to Folly Beach (one of the best places on earth) for some good quality time with my family at beach week too. can't wait!!!!