Monday, June 28, 2010

Saturday's, Slip N' Slide's and Spaghetti!

This weekend we decided was going to be low-key. Other than a play date and movie night, we weren't planning anything. The house has been a chaotic mess, which I am learning to live with. Before I had Chappelle I would have been stressed and I just don't care anymore. It is what it is! But it has gotten a little out of hand and there is crap everywhere! So this weekend we were going to work on tidying things up just a tad.
Friday night little B and I had a date to see Toy Story 3. He is such a good kid at the movies and thoroughly enjoys seeing them...the popcorn and treats are a plus too! We went with our usual movie date crew Kimmie and Rylan. We had a good time. Saturday I invested a whopping $5 into a slip and slide and let me tell you - we had the best time. The entire Carpenter crew did it and it was too funny! It took a while for Braxton to learn to slide on his tummy. He kept landing on his knees and then sliding. Bryan and I had to show him how it's done:) And then Bryan brought out the detergent/soap. Needless to say B and I are a little sore:) Sweet Chappelle had a good time too. She kept blowing raspberries on the "pool" section. Then she tried to touch, grab and drink the water that shoots out the side.
I also tried something new with Chappelle this weekend......the girl loves her momma's spaghetti! I have a picture just like this of Braxton and am searching high and low to do the comparison. Enjoy the pictures..I can't believe how fast they are growing up. Note the action shots of Braxton running...I LOVE THEM!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Real Conversations with B:

Braxton is quite the manipulator especially when it comes to bedtime. He usually gets out a handful of times and makes excuses as to why:
1. I want to hug and kiss you
2. My sleeping bag fell down (he sleeps with a sleeping bag on top of his comforter)
3. I can't find so and so book
You get the drift....well the other night he came out and was asking about mommies and whose mommy is whose, like with me and Bryan. Then he went through the list of his friends and he came across one of his longest and best buds Olivia. He clearly knows her mommy is Ms Karen, but then wanted to know about Ms Karen's mommy. I told him she was in heaven and then the questions about heaven started and he asked "do they have a beanstalk to get to heaven?" He is so inquisitive and such a sweet boy sometimes!

Last night we were all upstairs and I was going through totes of hand me downs for both kids, Bryan was on the computer and Braxton was playing trains talking to himself and me and says the following:

B: Mommy, do I make you happy? Is this being a good boy?
M: Yes Braxton this is being a good boy and yes, you make me happy (most of the time).

A few minutes of him talking to himself and then he says to me....
B: And just who do you think you are....Why are you being so dramatic?
I seriously wasn't saying a word. Don't know where he gets it, but apparently the boys listens (at times:)!

I was putting him to bed one night and he asked if Ms Katie (one of his past teachers from Gateway and is also one of his babysitters) could please come over. I asked him why and he said "because she is good to me!" That is exactly what a mom wants to hear - that someone she leaves her children with is good to them:)!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Christmas in June

 me slack, but I have finally scanned the pictures we took last year a little before Christmas. I know - horrible! Better late than never for you to see here they are:

Thursday, June 10, 2010

On the road again....

The kids and I took our annual trip down south to Charleston the first weekend in June. This time it was to help celebrate Uncle Boots graduating high school as well as Cam's 6th birthday! It was so great to see everyone and made me really miss my family and "home."
Mimi and Granddaddy Crawford were able to be there and any chance I get to see them is wonderful. Grandmomma kept both kids Friday night which was a nice treat for all of us. After a wonderful graduation, and you don't hear that very often...the speaker was FAB, we went to Vickery's at Shem Creek for dinner and drinks and had a great time. Les, Gigi and I closed the restaurant down, with the exception of this super annoying couple who needed to get a room! Saturday after dropping Les off downtown, I took the kids to see Uncle Ryan and Uncle Blake who were working Spoletto, grabbed lunch at Groucho's Deli and took a slow stroll back to the car. It was a great trip with the exception of the sucked! Saturday night was Cam's birthday party. I was a picture taking machine but unfortunately didn't get any of the birthday boy. I am so glad we were able to make it and see all my family..Ashley, Steph and Margaret too! Can't wait for the next trip in July.