Tuesday, May 18, 2010

L & B

Thought you guys might like to see that Bryan and I can clean up pretty nicely at times....thanks to Missy and Justin for an incredible time at their beach wedding!!

Braxton Update...

Braxton just had his 4th birthday party. We did a cook out at the house with some of our favorite friends and had a great time. Braxton chose a pirate theme this year.The weather was perfect for the jump castle.!

Braxton continues to amaze me everyday with how he is growing into a little man. He walks, talk and acts so much older than 4! Yesterday for instance, Mother's Day, I watched him and Bryan playing soccer around the backyard. Both boys in their shorts and shirtless! It's priceless! Bryan definitely has a "mini-me!" 4 seems to be a tad easier than 3, but we still don't listen very well and can have a downright tantrum...which I thought would end at 2! Braxton can make me absolutely fuming and then the next minute tell me I am beautiful. How do you get mad at that?!

My goose and I soaking up the sun on Mother's Day!!

Booster Time!

Braxton is hitting another milestone as well..it is time to move up to a booster seat!

Me: Hey Buddy, guess what, I ordered you a surprise yesterday!
B: What is it - tell me!
Me: I ordered you a Big Boy Carseat!!!
B: A booster seat?
Me: I sure did
B: But this one is perfect (as he point to his current seat)!!!
Me: You are outgrowing that one, so I got you a really cool one.
B: Is it going to have a white stripe like this one?

How cute is that! I sure do hope the transition to the new seat goes well. I also hope he can sleep in the new seat like he does his current one on road trips:) Stay tuned for pictures!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Piranha Update...

We are now the proud owner of not one.....but two teeth! I noticed Chappelle had cut her first tooth on the bottom last Monday and over the weekend she has decided to cut another one! YEAH for teeth - and she loves when you make a piranha noise at her!

1st Beach Trip of the Season!!

What a great weekend!! Saturday was our 6 year anniversary...WOW! 6 years and 2 kids later - I wouldn't have it any other way. We decided to take the kids to the beach. It was Chappelle's first time on the beach. I was able to entertain her for the first 45 minutes with puffs and O's (cheerio's). She had a great time and was really good!! Braxton had a BLAST! When I mentioned about going to the beach he went running around the house like a banshee, he was so excited! Last year he was a little leery with the waves and I think it was a little loud for him, so we weren't sure what we were in store for. For 2 solid hours he was in the water. There was a tidal pool that was perfect. I was so proud of him!

Monday, May 10, 2010

I heart Spring!

Momma's sweet girl!!! This happened to be a meal where she tried avacado, sweet potato's and of course mastering how to blow "raspberries!" I forgot how much fun mealtime is!!

Spring is in the air and I LOVE it! This is one of my favorite seasons. Every year the Carpenter's and Barrow's try their hardest to get to Bald Head for Easter. It's a ton of fun and yes chaotic!!! In the Carpenter house alone it's Mimi and Pops, John, Marie Anna and Brynn and of course the 4 of us - so quiet time usually doesn't exist. Nighttime is always stressful and of course, Chappelle didn't cooperate at all! She was up every 1.5 - 2.0 hours and if we were at home, I would let her cry it out, but not an option when other people are around. We had a great time even as tired as we were. We also got to see Kevin, Meighan, Sean and baby Iain for the first time. The trip always goes by way too fast!

Chappelle has turned into one of the sweetest babies. I am so glad we are over the stomach issues and the "I constantly need to be held!" That was taxing for all parties! Chappelle lights up the minute she sees her daddy or her big brother. It's so sweet. She will completely turn her head to watch them. Just this weekend she has really started getting on her hands and knees rocking back and forth. She pulls up using our fingers. And the girls loves to DANCE!!!
I hope she continues to eat the way she does now...we have really started introducing more solids to her. She is currently eating bananas, peas, carrots, green beans, turkey lunch meat, yo baby yogurt, pancakes and noodles. I am still nursing as much as possible. During the weekend it is all me and during the week it's about half and half. I still can't believe my girl is 9 months now!!!