Yesterday morning I was backing out of the driveway taking him to school and this was our conversation:
Braxton: Mommy, I am the man of the house!
Me: What? (laughing unsure of what I just heard)
Braxton: I am the man of the house!
Me: Well, yes you are
Braxton: I am to watch over you and make sure you stay safe...and Bud Green too (that's our cat for those of you who may not know) because he is old!
I am laughing because this caught me completely off guard - which lead too:
Braxton: why is that so silly (pronounced siyyie - we are working on our "L's")
Me: It's not silly Braxton, it's very cute!!
Bryan went out of town the other night and apparently told Braxton that while he was gone, he was the man of the house and in charge. He continued to tell everyone we saw - he was the man of the house!
Here's another one for you too:
I picked him up for school one day last week and he came running up to me with a wood piece tucked behind his ear. I asked him what was he doing and he said he, Andrew and Olivia were all doing it and that he looked like Handy Manny! I had to chuckle and said, of course you do buddy - it's amazing to me what they pick up!!
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